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How To: Khan Academy App Smackdown

Image result for khan academyIn college several months ago, I was struggling to study for a Biology exam. It was a week before the test and I was looking for ways to receive tutoring and form study groups. However, I spent most of my time at home making a billion flashcards and reading all of the chapters over and over again. The thing was, I needed to self teach some of the material. I asked my professor for some guidance and then I was introduced to the Khan Academy app.

Image result for khan academyThe Khan Academy app is a useful tool for K-12 and college/graduate students to learn and study various topics through exercises, instructional videos and practice tests. Each section or chapter of a subject offers a step-by-step guide on how to solve problems, study material and truly understand what is being taught. Some students are taught how to answer questions, but they do not know HOW to get to the answer and how meaningful the answers actually are. You may know that 20+20=40, but HOW can a student make sense of the correct steps in getting the answer? This is when Khan Academy offers a great learning tool.

Students can explore various topics such as math, science, history and many others. The instructional videos showcase a tutorial on how to find answers in a step-by-step process. This introduces a subject. There is also study notes for students to learn material further increase their knowledge on a subject. The most useful tool in the app is the practice quizzes.These help students move to the next level by their own efforts by answering correctly without using hints. This increases energy points as well as badges.

This video will show a tutorial on how to use the Khan Academy app:


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